Recovery:papillary thyroid cancer

So I got the ok to go home and recover. 6-8 weeks… no heavy lifting, no straining, keep incision out of the sun, eat healthy, walk as much as I can.

I have to wait for a pathology report to see when I have radio- isotopes and when I can have a procedure for a permanent larynx fix to help with my voice. That might be in a year since I have to wait until Botox wears off in my larynx. The cancer damaged the nerve next to my larynx, so my voice won’t be back, so the procedure is to take cartilage from my  voice box and weave it into my paralyzed larynx. It’s amazing what the doctors can do to fix stuff.  The good news is that the cure rate is extremely high. My scar will be in the crease of my neck once it heals… but you know, it doesn’t matter to me… I know I am in God’s hands.

My beautiful scar!

Thank you all again for your prayers. Prayers are powerful!

I’m still smiling. God is good!

In this picture, the sun was on my incision. That’s a no-no. I recently bought a new hat. Next blog, I’ll show you what I devised to wear when I walk & it’s sunny out! It’s  awesome!

About whimsicalwanderingsofGrinningGranny

I love to travel the states and have done a little traveling overseas, not as much as I'd love to. .I LOVE life, life is what you make it, so I enjoy it as much as I can! :-)
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